Painting primers?

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Painting primers?

Postby prototypesplus » Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:29 pm

Hi all,
I was wondering what paint primer brands anybody out there has had good results with. I used to use Floquil, but can't get it where I usually buy it anymore, Hobbylinc (maybe no longer made?). I use on my models a coating of thinned elmers white and wood glue (at least 3-4 coats which makes a nice smooth surface) and I usually paint with Testors model master enamel paints with an airbrush. Just wondering what other people use with good results. Thanks!
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Re: Painting primers?

Postby davidchoate » Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:20 pm

I have recently tried Deluxe Products EZ Dope, and EZ coat for thin Glassing. I am very impressed so far. Would advise an experiment on a test part. I think it can be watered down a bit. And I like Acrylic paints, but also (and I have not tried it) have seen air brush pressurised cans in the Art Store. The cost of a compressor has kept Me from air brushing so far. I saw a pressure can kit with the paint gun and accessories for $25.
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Re: Painting primers?

Postby prototypesplus » Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:15 pm

Thanks David,

I'm gonna try a couple of different ones, one being an off the shelf spray can that I just ordered, I think it was a Testors brand. Also will try some of the various hardware stores to see what they have in spray cans. As far as compressors are concerned, make sure you get one that doesn't turn on and off alot, ie: a large enough tank, so it doesn't oscillate the pressure alot. When I first got mine, it was a cheapo general purpose one that can also be used for tires and whatnot. The tank was not big enough and caused the paint to come out fast and slow (oscillate). I cured that with a large tank from Lowes with a pressure regulator and trap and now works sweet. Maybe the ones built especially for air brushing don't have that issue, but yes they are more dollars.
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