Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

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Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:33 am


This will be built using some parts from the Morse Scout kit. Engine from Guillows Parts Dept. The fuselage and Landing gear attachment will be built as per construction techniques of the Guillows "Arrow".

This plane was flown by Max Immelmann, who created the Immelmann Turn that Fighter Pilots still use today. Oswald Boelcke also flew this plane, who wrote the book on Fighter Pilot tactics that is still taught in Fighter Pilot Schools. Both these pilots received the Blue Max as Manfred von Richtofen was a young and upcoming pilot.

This plane is slightly larger than the E III, was intended to be better, but was a disappointment. I feel it is an interesting plane with the Double engine, and it sometimes carried 3 machine guns. But it was slow and less manueverable the the E III, and soon orders for this new plane were cancelled in favor of going to Biplane design.

So the Draftsman is hard at work, studing pictures and drawing plans, and the Oberursel Factory is busy creating this new inovative Engine...This plane is intended to fly under Rubber Power, I think with a strong landing gear set up and large wing area it is a Good Contender for SUCCESS!


PS I decided to start a post just for this plane as my Fokker Factory thread is getting jumbled. I am creating all of these WW1 planes, using Guillow Kits or at least using some Guillow Parts, and keeping them all in the approximate 1/14th scale.

PPS When I was a kid I had an Erector Set and after I built all the designs in the book I would make something different. In that spirit I am using the Guillow Kits as my BASIC platform to try to create ALL the old kits from the 100 series and some more.
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:56 pm

I drew this profile plan today... Construction of Fuselage is stick construction, as per "Arrow" or "Fly Boy" .

I'll break it down to 2 photos so my fellow draftsmen can review it... I've been continuing to make revisions...


Here is how I plan to attach the landing gear... this diagram is from the "Arrow".

And here is a picture of Max Immelmann's Plane...

Here is a pic of the fuselage against the Morse Scout wing that is streached 2 inches...
There will be a few modifications to the Wing, but I will make it work out... the wing chord is spot on for the scale of the Eindecker :D

Come Back Soon... Mitch
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Bill Gaylord » Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:19 am

The Fokker monoplanes are interesting subjects. Other than the classical Eindecker, we don't see many of the other versions, including ones built after the war. This one is a good looking subject. The kit parts are certainly useful, as I just inherited an old DR1 kit, and may bash it into another Fokker version.
Bill Gaylord
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:15 am


Here is a site that I start from... All these kitbashes I have done so far I also have built or have the model in Plastic Version for referance.

Another model I was planning to make from the Dr1 is the Sopwith Triplane.

Worked on some plastic last night and still thinking about wing attachment and adjustment. For those of you who may not know... the Eindecker had no ailerons, this plane used wing warping. I am hoping to have the wing flexible enough so I can change the shape by adjustng the tension on my wing wires.


Since all of my wheels are removable, I will use the light weight ones for free flight and the painted ones for show. I scribed a line with my x-acto knife and painted black up to that line and the paint stopped. Still need to do alot of work on the engine... sanded off a bit more on the rear engine for a tighter fit and better placement inside the cowling. I plan to trim the cowl more, but will wait until the fuselage is built to "Match it UP".


PS If some of you are thinking... This kit is available... Why not buy it? I want my models to be in the same scale and build them for about $20.00 and although they may not all fly, I expect that they should be able to. On that note, this is a large airplane, and it will dwarf my Dr1. When I built these as a kid in plastic, I had to re-check the scale on the box because I thought something was wrong. Dr1 = small airplane E series = large airplanes

Moreover... I try to acquire the Squadron book on the subject airplane I am working on...
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Bill Gaylord » Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:31 pm

You can't beat dowel rod for building straight vintage wings with warping ability. Constant chord wings are just asking for dowel rod main spars, as well as LE's. Slide all the formers on the rod, locate on the plan and glue. I flew an rc Avro Type F recently with wing warping that was manageable, built at RCSB.
Bill Gaylord
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:43 pm

BILL... THAT SOUNDS SO RIGHT!... How long would it have taken me to figure that out? I can imagine the whole wing twisting... THAT'S GREAT!...

But... I'm still going to stick with the Guillows wing... for now I am just rubber power and plan to just "tweek" the wing so I don't have to put on a trim tab... Moreover I am trying to make my build easy enough that newer modelers can follow, and also build.

I think when I increase the size to 1/12, like the Camel and Nieuport... I will go RC. (the Nieuport that Guillows has in the 200 seires is an actual 1/12 scale. It was a very smal plane in reality and was nicknamed the Bebe (Baby)... But for now I want to "cut my teeth" on flying models with rubber... I really believe we get an appriciation fo making these things fly with rubber. Heck, I have see a doghouse fly with a gas engine on it. I am still interested in weights and balance and trim, and airfoil shape and fly with minimum power. :D

So here is the work for today... waiting for glue to dry...
I already see I made a mistake. The stock I bought was 1/8 sq. not 3/32... but will use what I got and sand it down. The fwd sheet stock is thicker yet, but I will sand that down. The upright at the rear landing gear point has 3 uprights. The center one is not glued in. It is just a spacer. I will glue in the center piece latter to match the wing spar insertion. Also cut the hole in the fwd sheet to accept the fwd spar.

I plan to build the Morse Scout wing (modified) and use that.

I expect this should be a very easy kit to build, if it was in kit form.


Just took the fuse off the board and sanded it down... I am satisfied. Now I will build it again for the other side.
I have 2 easy touch sanders, one has course paper and one has fine. The course paper made easy work to get the fwd stock down to proper thickness :D

Last Update:
2nd frame dry enough to take off plan...Match 2 together and sand and trim.
Need to decide how wide to make plane and add cross pieces. Keeping things square as I go... I will do this tomorrow after frames are fully dry and final sanding prep work done.

Come Back Tomorrow :D
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:49 am

Morning Report:

Matching fuse halves and checking Engine fitment:
And a view from the top:
And a view from the side:
I will need to trim the cowling just a bit more, so the line is smooth from the fuse to the cowl, this will be done latter.

Draftmens Meeting... Review modification to MS wing:
So here is the plan...
1. I will use the MS ribs
2. Extend the wing 2 bays (adding two new ribs)
3. Include short ribs at LE between main ribs
4. Wire attach points will be constructed as per Dr1 Wing spar. ie. Triple rib with short hardwood stick through. This will protrude above and below the wing. With hole drilled, tie brace/control wires. (Guillows thread)
5. I am only planning on the Rear Outter line to be the control line for flight trim. So this line will continue from port to stbd wing. On bottom it will be connected to control horn. By moving and setting the control horn this should flex the wing.

Does that sound okay?... I am "winging it" and coming up with ideas as I go...any input will be apprieciated and taken in consideration.
The wing construction will have to wait until I report back to my ship as I left the kit in the Baggage Locker. :(
I will continue construction of the fuselage. :)

PS After checking wing span again, it looks like my plane now will have a 29" ws. :shock:

UPDATE: I think if I scale up to RC, this would be a good plane to start... Should be a stable flyer and slow and easy. My idea would be 1/6 scale, that would be a ws of over 5 feet... for that Williams Bros, makes Engine kits, Machine Gun kits and Wheels... ... but for now I am happy with models in the 24 to 36 inch ws with Rubber Power 8) Mitch
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Steve Blanchard » Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:06 am

Hey Mitch,

Looks like a great start! If you are going to fly this rubber free flight you will need to increase the stabilizer a lot from scale to get any stability. Because of the length of the fuse it will still look right. Keep up the good work!

Steve Blanchard
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:57 am

Thanks Steve... That's just the kind of info I need... Yes I agree, I will increase horizontal sabilizer from 8.5 inches to 10 inches... What do you think about the rudder?

Although I plan to fly the model, I do not expect stellar performance. It will be approx the same size as my Arrow but much heavier.

Here is a picture from last nights work:
Frame was all sanded down. Then I started to install bracing wires. These will be repeated on Stbd side, Top, and Bottom.
I still need to add bracing for wing attachment and cut out hole for motor mount.

Another view:

One more...trying to show the rear:

I've made about 4 minor changes so far... Back to stringing up the model... Mitch

UPDATE: Just finshed stbd side, then top:
When I threaded the top I would "catch" the port and stbd side lines and tighten them up more. Each Line Port, Stbd, Top, is a single line. Started with about 3-4 feet. I will let glue dry and do bottom latter. I expect these will show though the paper very well, and that is my intention. :D
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:14 pm

Okay Guys I got to get serious about finishing this model for WESTFAC IV, I have my models for WW2, but I need to have at least 1 ready for WW1 and decided this will be my best chance.

I decided on a new wing construction method (at least for me) The chord will be 5 inches and have 2 dowels run though the ribs! I made a template for the rib and here is what I got...
I plan to use this "template" to cut my ribs from 1/32 sheet
The dowels are hard wood, but hope they will not end up weighing too much

Here is my Engine:
Weighs in at 20 g but... as long as I do not have to add ballast to the tail, that's okay with me.
FAC rules require that if the plane has a radial engine it must be represented by at least a paper picture... HECK... I want to show off this engine.

Here is how the wing will line up on the model:

I plan to make the tail about 10 percent larger than scale. That will help with flying and it is allowed under FAC rules.

ANY and ALL questions and comments are welcome... I don't always know what I'm doing! I need to get this model finished and flight tested before I go...

The shortest flight time to qualify is 20 seconds... :? Mitch

PS If this model is not Guillows at least the Engine and Cowling came from Guillows, and it will fit the scale of my other WW1 Guillow planes!

UPDATE: I noticed I was missing the pushrods for the back set of I just made those:
I will still need to install the ignition wires and glue the 2 motors together, get everything lined up and glued in place, then touch up with paint...then my 18 cylinder double banked Oberursel engine will be ready for installation...All I need is to finish the PLANE! :? M
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:44 pm

Wing construction ...


After ribs were cut out I used template to drill holes for round wing spars. All ribs were then placed on spars.


With all ribs together, I sanded them to get exact same shape... Some are slightly smaller and I did not want to sand anymore... I will place those at the wing tips. Looks like I lost 1/4 inch in wing cord but that will be replaced with LE and TE.

Mitch... Back to work... at the Fokker Factory! :D

UPDATE: Laying out the wing:
Looks like my ws is creeping up... 29.5 I expect the final total ws...
I plan to move the height of the wing up just enough so it clears the rubber band...
I plan to connect the 2 wings with a 2 tubes in the fuselage, I believe it will:
1. Make a strong joint
2. Be able to come apart
3. Will still look close to the prototype
The top deck of the plane will be removable also (non structural for the rubber motor support.
Wing framework:
LE 1/4
TE 1/8
Wing tip 3/16
Spars 2 x 1/8

Mitch :D


Here is the wing... Thanks to Bill Gaylord for the suggestion...
Hey...this is starting to look like a Fokker...
You will notice the 3rd and 7th rib in from the wingtip is a triple rib... This will be the attachment spots for the rigging/control/warping lines! :D

PS. I do not normally use CA glue but for this wing CA will be perfect. I will get everything lined up and then just a drop at each dowel joint and PRESTO!
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:49 pm

Wing Getting Glued:

I clamped the Triple rib to ensure they would remain tight, as I added a drop of CA to the dowel/rib joint.

The inside rib LE is at an angle to make room for the Engine flair. I used white glue here because I will need to trim and sand.

The wing tip is also secured with white glue as more trimming and sanding here.
I will also add a gusset to the rear corner of the wing tip latter, then sand to shape.

So here is the Starboard wing... Need to let the white glue dry, then I will build the Port wing.

Mitch :D
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:15 pm

Wing to Fuselage Joint:

Here I have the stbd wing mounted in the fuselage in 2, 1/8 inch i.d. tubes

Another view to see the tubes.

I plan to NOT glue the wings in place. They will go into sockets and rigging will hold everything together.

Another view of the receiving tubes.

Now to build the port wing, match it to the stbd for exactness and see if they both can go into the tubes... Maybe some alignment adjustment, then I will epoxy the tubes in place.

I think things are looking like correct proportions... planning on tail 10 % larger than real aircraft... ws of model is 29.5inches so I think 9.5 inch Peck prop!
Mitch :D
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:18 pm

14 days to go... This model needs to be finished before departure for WEST FAC IV...

Morning Report:

Finished port wing last night, wt is 9g. Stbd wing is trimmed and sanded and wt is 8g.
Glued in wing tubes with CA and glued in Elevator tube with CA also.
Plan to build tail today, also plan to start work on Landing Gear.

Elevator will be stick construction, Rudder laminated. Landing gear will be made in sections of music wire and tied together with string and more CA.

Thanks, Mitch :D
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Re: Guillows Fokker E IV 28" ws

Postby Mitch » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:03 am

Did some work on the E IV last night...


Although the ws of the E IV grew from 28 to 29 inches its still pretty close to 1/14 scale...same as the Dr1


The landing Gear is a real headache...

This model build is still a development and the wing attachment evolved. I plan to transport or store the model with wings off. Then Plug them in before flight time and set up wing wires. The tail is also attached with the same method and I will be able to trim the model for flight...hopefully :roll:

I built both of these models in plastic as a kid and was surprised how small the Dr1 is and how LARGE the Eindeckers are :shock:

Mitch :D
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