Cant post pics of aircaft

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Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Balsa Pilot » Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:10 pm

Hi to all, I'm trying to post pictures of some aircraft but get defeated by this website/system.

Can someone post a point by point reply of how to do this, please? Everyone else seems to have no trouble but it wont work for me so please go slowly explain each point and help me out????

I've got some great pics to share but no way to do it!

Thank you all- bear in mind this has to be simple please...

Thanks H
Balsa Pilot
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Coloradoken » Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:58 pm

There are 5 pages on this topic. Search "posting Pictures" for the threads.
The way I have found the easiest is to take a photo ( I use my smart phone) and save it to my desktop giving it a unique name so I can find it! Then I go to this site and "post". Before I submit it I click on the"Upload attachment" on the bottom left of the page. Then select the "Choose File" and pick the saved image from your desktop. You have to ""add the file" Make sure the file is not too big because it won't take. It will tell you if its too big. If that happens you will have to go back to your saved image and reduce its size with a photo editor app. The you can redo it all over and hope it works! Good Luck.
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Balsa Pilot » Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:48 am

Thanks Coloradoken, we did all of that and the site says its still too big. I tried my digital camera as well as my smart phone and still no joy. Any other ideas?
Balsa Pilot
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby WIDDOG » Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:07 pm

You could set up an account with
Upload your pictures to photobucket. Than click share image. Select Img Url and copy that. Now paste it on the Guillows reply to post. Than check preview box.
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Coloradoken » Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:54 pm

Looks like you have to reduce the size of your image.The limit is 256kb. Do you need help to do this?
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Balsa Pilot » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:38 am

Coloradoken, good morning, thanks for the reply.

YES, I need help making the image smaller.
Balsa Pilot
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Coloradoken » Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:44 pm

You set the size of your image outside of the forum. When you save your image from your camera or phone to your computer, it will have a certain size. Lets say its 750 kb for an example. The actual size will likely be different. Could be 2 mb or 1mb or 500kb. Thats megabytes or kilobytes. You can determine the image size by clicking on "properties" or use a right mouse click. Remember that the forum limits the size to 256 kb so your job is to reduce your image something less than that. OK, you have taken the pix, saved it to your desktop and given it a name. Now you open your photo editing program. If you don't have one you can download a free one. I use the Apple store because I have a Mac. I use a program called "Pixlr" . Any simple photo shopping tool will work. Once you open the photo editor, select your image and crop it, reduce the size or quality to get to the size (256kb) and image you want. Then save it with a different name or just add an alphanumeric to the end so you can tell which is your original and which is your postable image.Next go back to the forum to upload your correct sized image.
This is the way I do it. Others on the forum can share the procedure they use. Lots of different ways to get there from here. Everyone has their favorite. There is no unique special way thats preferred. Just use the way you are happy with.
Good luck.
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Bill Gaylord » Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:39 pm

My camera's photo editor program has an option of 25%, which doesn't take much from the photo resolution, saving my photos as JPEGs at around 100k. I use them, which shouldn't tax most servers much. I've seen too many issues with the photo upload sites, to use them. Maybe they've gotten better over time.
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Re: Cant post pics of aircaft

Postby Balsa Pilot » Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:27 am

Got it , thanks guys. Yes I thought the problem wasn't with the site, more with the camera. Ill dig out the operators disc and see if theres a way to dumb the camera down or if not then to try CK's way1
Thanks for the input guys, I'm sure this will do it!
Balsa Pilot
Posts: 83
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:42 pm

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