60 years and counting

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60 years and counting

Postby keepemflying » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:45 am

Just letting you all know of a little blurb I wrote about Guillow's Kit No. 201, the Thomas Morse Scout.
It was just included on page four of the January 2019 issue of Smithsonian Air & Space magazine.
Two issues prior, they had an article about the restoration of an original full-scale Thomas Morse in Ithaca New York, where they were originally built 100 years ago.
My note to them reads:

"Not only does 2018 mark the centennial for the full-scale Thomas Morse Scout, it also marks the 60th year that the Paul K. Guillow company in Wakefield Massachusetts has been continuously and quietly offering a 24" wingspan flying balsa-wood construction model of the same subject. These days the box art is a bit more colorful, the balsa parts sheets are laser-cut instead of die-cut, and the price reflects inflation, but the building plans still show the 1958 copyright."

Same/similar situation exists for the other three (remaining) kits in the 200 series.
Of course we'd be happier if the old DH4 and Rumpler kits were still there, along with the 18" span 100-series kits.
But we'll take what we can get and be happy with the ones that are still going, 60 years and counting!
Thank you Guillow, and Keep 'Em Flying!
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